
Wednesday, December 16, 2015

My Top 10 Natural Hair Resolutions of 2016!

w/ Curls, Coils & Kinks

If you are anything like me when this time of the year rolls around you are left wondering where did the year go?! As I just passed my one year anniversary since my brave BC I started to reflect on the upcoming year and my hair goals. I am naturally a goal oriented individual and although I am so thankful for all that I was able to accomplish in 2015 I am creatively passionate about what may be in store for me and my curls in 2016! At the end of the day some goals I may accomplish and some may take a little longer than expected but that shouldn't stop us from believing for the very best and setting our minds high in abundance.  As I look back 2015 was a BIG hair adjustment for me and as 2016 rapidly approaches I am left with nothing but a consistent drip of ideas and goals for me, my curls and coils! Let the NEW hair journey begin as we ring 2016 in...

Goal #1 - Enjoy the Journey - Half the fun is the journey, right? I know at times we all are tempted to think as soon as my hair reaches a certain length then I will enjoy it or soon as my hair looks just like my friends hair I will be happy and then can enjoy my natural hair. I would love to challenge you to enjoy your natural hair NOW as you will not be at this phase for long. I have recently noticed a lot of naturals express how they wished they would have enjoyed and experimented more during their TWA phase of their natural hair journey and as a result they have been conducting their second or third BC. Let's make it our primary goal and decision to enjoy the journey and everything else will flow perfectly from there! 

Goal #2 - Healthy Hair Growth - It's no BIG secret that we naturals want our hair to grow long and healthy! I am always thriving on healthy hair practices as I know if I master that an abundance of growth will flow from there. I think it's very important to ensure we are moisturizing and giving our hair all the attention and needs it deserve. Where you water a harvest will grow, right? So let's aim to really focus on taking good care of our hair needs and not neglecting our hair and healthy hair practices as the New Year approaches.

Goal #3 - Experiment more with styles - As my hair continues to grow I am super excited at the limitless possibilities of styles I can create with my natural hair. Although I am a wash n go girl at heart; I also love the thought of switching it up and trying something new! There is nothing greater than having a ton of options and as we learn our natural hair you will discover there are many options there. Natural hair is so versatile and will always keep you on your toes. Always stretch yourself & your ideas further than you think you can go as the New Year rolls around.

Goal #4 - Embrace new hair gadgets - I already have a list of natural hair gadgets that my hands are ready to try. The first year of my natural hair journey was primarily geared towards learning but this second year coming up WATCH out as I will be exploring with some new gadgets and will document my experiences . I am dedicated to doing my research and indulging in some new gadgets that will only enhance my natural hair journey.

Goal #5 -Try a good protective style - During my first year being natural I didn't indulge in protective styling. I tried to make my first year all about learning my texture and exploring what it liked and didn't. Now that I believe I have most of that under check it's time to branch off a try some popular protective styles. As 2016 is around the corner I will be researching and deciding what protective styles best suite me.

Goal #6 - Connect with more enthusiastic naturals - It's funny when I was relaxed I don't think I even realized how many naturals there were out there. Now that I am a natural every time I turn around I spot yet another natural as we are so taking over the world! I have a healthy mix of both relaxed and natural friends however I would love to connect with more enthusiastic naturals. It's common to surround yourself around those who you find a common interest with and I love everything about being a naturalista. I am proud and excited to be wearing my hair in its natural state and in 2016 I hope to meet naturals equally as proud as I am. 

Goal #7 - Change my current hair regimen (as my hair continues to grow) - My hair regimen has served me well during the time it was meant for but as always there is a time and place for everything. Although I love my current hair regimen I do have to be open to change especially as my hair continues to grow. If your hair regimen works for you then great and if not switch some things up; just keep a healthy regimen going. I hope to inspire you as the new year is coming up to not be afraid of change if you need it.

Goal #8 - Love the hair I was given - Although nowadays you can buy yourself an entire new head of hair to cover up what you don't like about yours I hope to inspire you to embrace your own texture of hair. The more you learn to love your own natural texture and find what works best for your texture the easier your journey will be. It takes time to learn your own texture however the benefits are quite rewarding. My goal is to embrace all of me in 2016 including my hair and rock my very own signature look. 

Goal #9 - Clean house - (out with the old products (that I don't use) in with the only products that work for me) - I don't know about you but I am so not a fan of clutter! Yes, ladies that includes our product stash. I am all about out with the old and in with the new. If it's not a product that my hair likes or love it's heading out and onto its new home. You can always bless someone else with a product as it may be their golden ticket. No need in accumulating products I don't use when someone else could benefit from them. During this season of giving I encourage you to clean out your product stash and bless someone else in the process.

Goal #10 - Healthy Mind, Body and Soul = FAB Natural Hair - Have you ever noticed when your mind, body and soul are in a good place everything else with you seems to thrive? Or when you are struggling in those same areas you can't seem to get anything else to go right? That's due to the fact that a healthy mind, body and soul do matter and are extremely vital. I am always thriving to be a overall healthier me and I have noticed a big change already! If there is anything that is keeping you from being your very best I would highly encourage you to re-evaluate those setbacks. My goal for you and myself would be that 2016 would be our very best natural hair year and we would also have a FAB year full of a healthy mind, body and soul in abundance!

 ~ Article was first published on  ~

Power Thought - At the end of the day some goals I may accomplish and some may take a little longer than expected but that shouldn't stop us from believing for the very best and setting our minds high in abundance. 

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A.Adams ~ Subscribe:Learn:Grow:Share

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